Who We Are
SR Contractors, LLC is a specialty contractor firm dedicated to providing cost-effective patented techniques for the repair of unreinforced masonry, concrete and stone structures. Our highly qualified team has over 20 years of experience in the construction industry and working with adhesive cellular foam. SR Foam has a proven track record and is backed by structural engineering and testing.
The Product
At the heart of the company is our SR Foam which is a specialized structural foam adhesive that offers superior performance as a structural anchorage system. SR Foam can be used in a variety of different wall configurations to provide increased structural performance and insulation to existing structures. With SR Foam installation methods, the existing building walls remain intact and continue to provide some structural benefits while the installed SR Foam is used as an adhesive and bearing material to stabilize existing building systems allowing structural loads to transfer to new or existing structural elements.
While SR Foam is particularly well suited for use in Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM) and providing anchorage and bracing to the existing masonry walls, SR Foam has also been successfully used to stabilize unreinforced and under-reinforced concrete walls.
SR Foam has non-structural features like noise reduction, insulation properties (R-7 per inch of thickness) and moisture resistance. However, its primary purpose is to enhance masonry or concrete buildings by improving their structural stability and performance in a seismic event. SR Foam is compliant with the International Building Code and is recognized as a component to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings to qualify for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) points.
Why SR Foam
Unreinforced masonry and concrete buildings are generally weak and heavy structures that can represent a significant hazard to life and property during an earthquake. URM buildings can be made more resilient by using SR Foam in combination with engineered strengthening measures. SR Foam is used as part of an engineered system that aggressively bonds to the masonry and support elements and an engineered support system to provide the seismic restraint that is missing from the original structure. SR Foam can be used in a variety of ways to strengthen or bond to structural and non-structural walls, improving the structural performance of old masonry and concrete buildings.
Our Role
At SR Contractors, LLC, we have done the research and groundwork for you. Your project is built using the contractor of your choice to do all the construction other than the actual SR Foam install, our primary role and expertise. Design of your project is completed by your engineer with our support as required, or we can recommend an engineer that is familiar with SR Foam. We will provide your chosen engineer with the product specifications and technical data needed to understand and design for the stated benefits of SR Foam. Examples of previously designed wall systems that have been successfully and repeatedly used can be provided to help you and your design team efficiently use our product. Our goal is to see an increase in seismic performance and useful life of your home or commercial building by using SR Foam.